A league of our own for our field of dreams, KC

Our Fall Coed Slow Pitch Season begins August 26th

We’re striving to offer you the best price possible while working towards our clubs goals

We play in front of one of the most iconic views of downtown Kansas City, Penn Valley Park, by Liberty Memorial. We invite you to be part of a league where members can collaborate to better our league and field.


Our vision

We’re thankful and excited to see many of the teams come back! But we’d also like to reach out to some new teams too! We invite you to get to know us more.


Schedule and Rules

We play Mondays Spring through Fall with games times from 6:30-9:30 PM. We follow ASA Rules and discourage hard hits up the middle and unnecessary wild throws.


Provide us with feedback

We want to improve our league, so please provide us with your feedback. You can also e-mail us to reserve your team’s spot and individual free agents looking for a team are welcome too!

We’re looking for Supporting Members too, let us know if interested!